Monday, October 10, 2011

I am the only person in school right now

So this Monday morning I begrudgingly get up at at time that is not in the afternoon and get ready to school. I put on my dress pants and button down shirt that I am forced to wear. I think this is because the school likes watching me drip sweat as I try to teach. Then I walk to school to find the place completely deserted, save for a flock of geese. They honked angrily at me, probably because they where upset that I had missed the memo about today being their day to have the school. I wanted to tell them that it was an honest mistake on my part, and that I really did not want to be their anyways, but they did not look to be in the mood for diplomacy.

So I walk to a park bench and sit down. Thankfully, the internet works, so coming to school was not a complete waste of time. Even Facebook works! Hooray! That site is usually banned on my school network. Hopefully they keep it this way. It would save me lots of money that would otherwise be spent at the local internet cafe.

Apparently, today school is out for election day. I really wish they had told me this in advance. You know, as opposed to after I get to school and start freaking out that geese have taken over the place. I get Fridays off, and the combination of this would have been a 4 day weekend for me. I totally could have gone somewhere cool and exciting. But no. Instead I am at a deserted school, dressed in clothes I don't like wearing, nervously eying the geese that I swear seem to be plotting something against me.

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