Monday, September 12, 2011

Ok, time for a new post!

But I must do it with hasty, for now I'm at an internet cafe, and they are charging me like 25 cents every half an hour. Time is money yo.Can't be wasting that stuff.

Anyways, some bullet points about where the adventure has taken me thus far:

  • I'm now no longer enjoying the comforts of my four star hotel in Bandung
  • In fact, one could say I'm pretty darn far from four star as possible right now
  • I need to stop starting things in this blog with the phrase "you heard right"
  • I managed to weasel out of teaching on Fridays
  • I should probably try and make this blog a little more profesional while I'm at it
  • Getting these kids to talk is like pulling teeth. OMG, just say something pleeeeeeaseeeeeee! They totally know the awnsers to my questions too, but they just like tourturing me apparently
  • Spellcheck is not working for me right now because this public computer has it set to Indonesian. Brace for spelling errors.
  • . . .you know, one of those flash scrolling slideshow things with pictures and short intoductions to my post would be nice
  • They totally just let me have at three classes today. . .after telling me that I did not need to prepare anythign for today
  • AHHHH, that slacker song by Bruno Mars is playing in the cafe right now. I hate that song so much! Why can't I get away from it!? WHYYYYY!?!?
  • . . .but I don't want my blog to be too nice you know? People might think I'm pretentious.
  • This keyboard is pretty dusty
  • Annnnd now I'm out of things to say.
Was about to log off, but went back into to editor to add this one last thing: AHHHH!, they put the slacker song back on! I'm half way across the effing world! Go away! Go away! Get out of my ears!

1 comment:

Witri said...

wow,, this verry-verry so cool. mr. Chris! :)